Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Coursework amendments: Digipak changes 24.03.10

Following advice from OCR, here's what we need to do:

1. Period 1: Create 2 new panels for the inside of the DVD Digipak. AS has the Photoshop template. The inside must match the style of the outside. Upload finished inside of Digipak DVD to your blog, under your 'Final DVD Cover' post.

2. Period 5: Update 'DVD Cover' research sections of your blog to include 'DVD Digipak' information - use AS examples of DVDs.

3. Period 5: Update blog to change references to 'DVD Cover' to 'DVD Digipak' - we must state exactly what has been created. This will take time and patience to do!

Please make sure these tasks are all done by Friday 26th March and posted to your blog. Damian MUST have a copy of these too.

4. HL before Monday 29th March: Upload all FINAL EVALUATION question responses to your blog.

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