Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Easter Hols HL - Due in Wed 21st April

Absent: FS, RS

Home Learning due in on Wed 21st April: 

1. Revisit and revise your Foundation production work (use your blogs)

2. Based on Question 1a for the Production Critical Perspectives paper: 

How have you used creativity across your two production pieces?
- Outline what creativity is to you
- Overview of what has allowed you to be creative (eg, genre, technologies etc)
- Examples of when you have been creative
- Examples of when your creativity has been stifled
- discussion of whether you have been creative, or whether other factors (such as generic conventions, character representation etc) have restricted / capped your creativity.
- Try and weave in 3 or 4 bits of theory (eg, Propp, Todorov, Stafford, Male Gaze,  etc - but only apply those that are relevant!)

This task is only a 30 minute in the exam, so in your response aim for 3 or 4 concise sides of A4 handwritten.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Coursework amendments: Digipak changes 24.03.10

Following advice from OCR, here's what we need to do:

1. Period 1: Create 2 new panels for the inside of the DVD Digipak. AS has the Photoshop template. The inside must match the style of the outside. Upload finished inside of Digipak DVD to your blog, under your 'Final DVD Cover' post.

2. Period 5: Update 'DVD Cover' research sections of your blog to include 'DVD Digipak' information - use AS examples of DVDs.

3. Period 5: Update blog to change references to 'DVD Cover' to 'DVD Digipak' - we must state exactly what has been created. This will take time and patience to do!

Please make sure these tasks are all done by Friday 26th March and posted to your blog. Damian MUST have a copy of these too.

4. HL before Monday 29th March: Upload all FINAL EVALUATION question responses to your blog.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Period 1 lesson Wed 17th March 2010

We will have a taught lesson period 2. In the meantime please use period 1 to: 

1. Finalise and update Q4
2. Tidy up your blogs, including labeling all evaluation questions correctly to their number and titles.
3. Remove phantom postings from your blog (where you have a title, but nothing in it!)
4. Please give DVD covers and Print Ads (in photoshop format) for Damian to back up.

Period 2 I will collect in any remaining Q4s. 

We will then discuss the exam part of the unit.


Dave - Several of your evaluation questions not submitted + blog not updated. Q3+4 needed.

Katy - please put all checked evaluation questions on your blog. Q4 needed from you.

Sam - update your blog with all checked questions.

Nikki - Detailed analysis needed in your evaluation question updates.

All - you MUST bring in all components of your coursework, especially if you have worked at home on these. Damian needs to back these up for your examiner.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Q4 Guidelines

13MS A2 Video Production

Critical Evaluation: Guidelines for Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This basically means: 

  • Which technologies did you use (hardware and software)
  • Evaluate the impact of each technology at each stage of research, planning, construction and evaluation
  • Describe how you were able to use the technology and what effect / outcome it had

A suggested approach: (use screenshots as examples of what you have done):

  • A) Overview of range of technologies used

B) Explanation and analysis of use of technology for: 

- Research

- Planning

- Construction

- Evaluation

Make sure you explain what you used, how you used it, and the effects that were created. Screenshots useful.

      C) Evaluate the technologies used, linking to digital theories and music industry theory.


Q4 exemplars

Question 4 guidelines now issued (also available in full from next post).

Looking around, I found these 2 blogs. By combining BOTH responses with screenshots and a reference to digital technology theory would produce a final quality response!


Your Q4 response is due in at 9am on Monday 15th March 2010.