Monday, 14 December 2009

Production work: DVD covers. HL for hols.

Absent: DB, RD

Music videos now finished.

We are working on the next stage of practical production: DVD cover for release of the artist/band. Must create front, spine and back.

Tasks and HL (Due in Wed 6th Jan 2010):
1. Update blogs in full
2. Research and deconstruct 3 DVD covers. See for archives.
3. Draft and design the DVD cover for your band/artist

Important areas to consider: Audience, Genre, Representation, Ideology

When deconstructing, consider font, layout, composition, colour, graphics, logos, copy, photos etc.

Continue using your blogs for your ideas and work. This is still part of your practical production.

Due in Wed 6th Jan 2010

Monday, 16 November 2009

Update 16.11.09

We have been filming and editing for the past month. Blogs are looking okay too.

Deadline for completion of music video is 30.11.09

Keep it up!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Lesson and update 12/10/09

We are all in a position to start filming - hurrah! Cameras have been issued. 3 weeks left!!!

Looking forward to seeing your first takes.

If you're out filming on Wednesday, and you've not yet told me about it, please leave a comment below so that i can clear it with Rae. Of course, your footage and recce/on location photos will be evidence of you having used the time properly!

Keep up the good work gang.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Missing work / missed deadlines

The following students need to complete outstanding tasks by 9am on Wed 7th October:


Details are in your form register, with explanation of penalties.

Any problems, see me.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Lesson 300909 - Last of planning

1. Final video pitches

2. Proposal (treatment) completed in full, referencing ANGRILI. Must post this to your blog - remember to link pics and videos too.

3. ALL planning documents should be on your blog - see your checklist (storyboards, recce shots, decons, schedules, costumes, props etc)

Deadline: Friday 2nd October 2009 - I will start putting grades and marks into your assessment folder on the weekend, so do make sure this work is done.

We are now in the practical phase of this unit - please sign cameras out ASAP.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Lesson 160909 - Film School

All present

Today we looked at how different film techniques can be achieved, including:
- Trombone shots
- Lip Synching
- Lip Synching with time lapse
- Time Lapse
- Cutting on XCUs
- Cutting on black
- Tilt moving shots
- Tilt static shots
- Disappears
- Floating heads
- Headcam fixed shots

Students then went out and attempted some of these techniques.

Next lesson we will upload the footage and look at some editing techniques.

Please do continue to update your blogs and continue with your planning and research tasks.


Monday, 14 September 2009

Lesson 14.09.09 - Research

Absent: TA, KH, RS - Please continue with tasks issued last week and update your blogs.  Hopefully see you on Wednesday

Today we:
1. Looked at how the planning process works
2. Deconstructed 2 Mark Romanek videos: Johnny Cash 'Hurt' and NIN 'Perfect Drug' (you can find these on youtube)
3. Applied ANGRILI to the videos and artists deconstructed, looking closely at how NIN are marketed and represented through their website. We applied Convergence, Global Village and Web 2.0 theories to this
4. Continued with planning and research, generating ideas and avenues to explore

On Wed 16th September we will have a practical session Period 1.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

History of Pop Video - a brief background

It's worth you rewatching these videos to remind you of the origins of the pop video. Later postings will feature key reference to representation, intertextuality and anti-videos.

Here's the first part:

Friday, 11 September 2009

First Week Back - lessons

Welcome back!

This week we: 
1) Ate Jaffa Cakes, Jellybabies and Mars bars in celebration of AS results (EC - Galaxy owing)
2) Reviewed targets for A2 final marks
3) Watched a range of music videos to reinspire: Radiohead's "Just" and Madonna's "Like a Prayer" amongst others
4) Learned about what animatics are and how they can be used (Gorillaz: Dare)
5) Went through the ANGRILI model
6) Reviewed your PP blogs to date

Tasks for Research and Planning were issued and are due in on Wednesday 23rd Sept. All students have the task list, but just in case you have lost it here it is below:

Advanced Production: Music Pop Promo Video 9th Sept 2009

Research and Planning

The A2 Practical Production coursework is worth 50% of your A2 mark. 

Over the next two weeks you need to:

  1. 1) Source a track, including getting written permission from bands / artists
  2. 2) Plan ideas for a music video that you can create which matches the artist / band, the track itself, and the potential audiences (which you need to identify)
  3. 3) Produce a folder of research and planning materials then and present your music video idea based on your research and planning. 

You will have a folder that consists of:

  1. 5-6 relevant deconstructions of related music videos – look at videos under the same genre, or look at similar artist and bands to identify the style and conventions you may wish to adopt.  I wouldn’t advise watching the original video, as it may influence you too much.  Deconstructions should be written up in essay form of about 500 words each.  Use screenshots and the ANGRILI model to help you.

Background research to the artist / band and track – this needs to include information about success, audiences and image.  You can present this as a powerpoint slideshow with suitable examples.

Background research into audience and sales.  Remember that audiences are defined by age, gender and lifestyle.  They can also be determined by income.  There might be two audiences – one for the band/ artist, and one for the film (remember that music videos are short films).  The audience is crucial in media.

Lyrics and a detailed annotation of what they could mean (remember your GCSE poetry analysis skills?  This is where to use them)

A detailed set of mood boards for potential ideas for the video – consider Goodwin (Illustrative, Amplificative or Disjunctive).

A complete and detailed storyboard/photoboard, including all timings, mise en scene, shot types, transitions etc

An animatic slideshow / film based on your storyboard

This should all be posted onto your  blog as you complete the work. 

Then finally you need:

A detailed written treatment (proposal) on the video that you are going to make (use the ANGRILI model).  Remember to include references to your audience, and where the video might be shown to also target that particular audience.

You will have some lesson time and independent study time over the next 2 weeks to get this done.

Deadline for submittal of planning and presentation pitch: Wed 23rd  September

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Wanted to say congratulations to all for superb AS Media results! Well deserved!

Much chocolate next week! 

And also:
Come on - get those practical production blogs sorted! Anyone would think you've been on holiday or something! We've got to hit the ground running for your Music Vids and Promo package, so get those tasks completed or no chocolate for you (amongst many other painful consequences). Tasks below in last blog posting...

See you next week

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Summer Hols HL

Year 13 Media Studies – Summer Hols Home Learning


  • To be able to plan potential ideas for a music video track
  • To explore graphic and visual features of music videos and CD/DVD covers
  • To understand the target audience in the construction of the music video


  • 1. Source your track. Contact local artists / bands and get written permission to use their track for your practical production work.  The track MUST be original and unpublished (or published with a signed and verified agreement for you to be able to create a video for it). Try going to gigs, speaking to bands, contacting small record labels and explain that you would like to put together a video for free, and should they like it, they can use it. Note that ultimately, AS will have the final say in what you can or cannot do. Also, keep all records for your blog to show the examiner what amazing processes you have been through.

2. Research your potential artist / band / track / genre. Find out about typical audience in terms of age, sex, lifestyle and interests. Find out where the audience can access the band's / artist's music.  Apply your Music Industry knowledge and deconstruct their Web 2.0 sites to see how they represent themselves, where they play and how they tend to distribute their music.

3. Plan out an initial idea for the chosen track: 

a) Moodboard the track (you can use pictures / photo collages here to capture the feel of the track)

b) Storyboard what you think the opening 10 seconds of the video may look like

c) Annotate and deconstruct the lyrics for more ideas

4. Write a treatment (proposal) for the kind of video you think you might make. Include reference to the 4 technical areas as well as the feel of the track. Also relate your proposal to the representation of the band/track/artist you are trying to make, with an explanation of how your video might be viewed by the target audience.

5. Research and deconstruct 3 CD front covers of your choice. Try and focus on colours, layout, graphics, fonts, symbolism, representation and titles.

6. Take photos of locations, props and costumes you may use in your production - annotate them explaining how they can be used.

This is individual work and will count towards your planning mark for your A2 coursework (50% of A-level). Without this preparation, you will not be able to start your A2 course.

The work needs to be neatly presented and has to be completed to a high standard. Remember: Post ALL work to your blog to gain marks for your planning and research. This includes deconstructions as well as thoughts, ideas, influences, images, recent articles, background research etc

Deadline for the completion of this work:First lesson back in Sept 2009 with AS

Practical Production Overview and Brief

Welcome to your A2 practical production task. It will consist of:

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include:

- a music promo video

a cover for its release on DVD;  

a magazine advertisement for the DVD. 

The production work will be completed in 3 stages: 
- Planning and research (20 marks)
- Production (60 marks)
- Evaluation (20 marks)

 In the evaluation the following questions must be answered: 

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real 

media products? 

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 

What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and 

evaluation stages?